Get to know Ulla and Gunnel
When Ulla gets a job at the Oscaria shoe factory, she is assigned to the stitching department where the shoe uppers are sewn
together. Gunnel has been working there for a few years. The young women soon become firm friends, and they share a keen
interest in photography and cycling. On their days off, they often take their bicycles on day trips in the area around Örebro.
After staying at the shoe factory’s holiday home, where the factory workers can come and rest, they make plans for a real cycling holiday!
Planning the route
The friends spend hours planning their route in Gunnel’s new apartment.
Having been members of Cykelfrämjandet for several years, they have the organisation’s holiday handbook which is full of useful tips for their big adventure. The plan begins with checking in their bicycles and taking the train down to Motala, after which they will start cycling around areas that are completely new to them. It’s important to experience new things on holiday! They have a tent with them, but they might also consider staying at a hostel if the weather turns particularly bad. But this will also be a more restful option, and will give them the chance to eat a little better.
The whole route will cover about 500 kilometres. Along the way, they will meet Cykelfrämjandet’s inspectors, who will note down their location and time of arrival on their route cards. If they complete the entire route, they can receive the association’s bronze badge – a real incentive, and proof of a fine sporting achievement!