Christmas Eve at Skansen

On Christmas Eve Skansen is open for a shorter period with a few open houses, shops and some activities.

  • 24 December – Christmas Eve 10.00-14.00

    • Iron Monger’s shop
    • Delsbo Farmstead
    • Seglora Church
    • The Engineering works (Mekaniska verkstaden)
    • Boktryckarbostaden – the Printer´s Home
    • Väla School
    • Baltic Sea Science Center
    • Skansen-Aquarium (additional entrance fee)
    • Skansen shop at the Lodge

    Food and drink

    Restauration Gubbhyllan
    The Waffle stand

    At the zoo

    10.30 Talk about the Baltic sea in Baltic Sea Science Center
    12.30 Talk about the reindeer, in English
    13.00 Talk about the grey seal
    13.15 Today’s animal at the Children’s Zoo

  • Reduced entrance fees at Christmas Eve

    Adult: SEK 100
    Retired/student: SEK 80
    Groups: SEK 80 per person
    Children 4-15 year’s old: SEK 35

    Your annual pass is valid and works as usual.