Vuoi ihán – Sami Contemporary Art

The exhibition Vuoi ihán depicts stories from a contemporary and enlightened future where history is always present. Through the works of six artists, the Sami diversity, often overlooked and simplified, takes a self-evident and vital place. "Vuoi ihán" is displayed on weekends from September 7 to October 27, 2024, in Ekshärad farmstead at Skansen.

  • The exhibition is produced by Verdde and curated by Maria Ragnestam and Ellen B. Dalbakk.

    On industrial mats and to the tunes of Johnny Cash, works by six Sami contemporary artists are displayed. Pop-cultural references, oversized traditional architecture, and paintings of snow-covered mountain landscapes in unexpectedly large floral patterns are shown alongside titles that ironically depict the seriousness and self-evident aspects of everyday life.

    In the encounter with Ekshäradsgården, a cultural-historical environment preserved for future generations, the invisible landscapes of Sami culture and its inventive adaptability become apparent. The contemporary artworks showcase the vitality and resilience that follow in the footsteps of the predecessors’ platform soles on summer night’s asphalt and nuvttahat on freshly fallen snow.

    The expression “Vuoi ihán” (Northern Sami) is an interpretable reaction to something remarkable.


    Siri Baggerman, Niilas Helander, Geir Tore Holm, Tilde-Ristin Kuoljok, Radio-JusSunná/Sunna Nousuniemi and Lisa Kejonen Pauker.

  • Curator tours on September 7

    During the opening day of the exhibition, the curators will offer in-depth tours (30 minutes) of the exhibition’s themes, participating artists, and their works. Read more and see hours

  • About Verdde

    Vuoi ihán is presented in collaboration with the nomadic art institution Verdde. Based in Norrbotten County and the Swedish parts of Sápmi, they work to include and make Sami perspectives visible. Verdde was initiated by Maria Ragnestam and is led with the assistance of Ellen B. Dalbakk.

    Verdde offers the audience a variety of artistic expressions to contribute to an expanded knowledge of Sami practitioners and to convey exciting Sami perspectives, traditions, knowledge, and experiences.

    Read more about Verdde here.

Day Time
21 September 2024 10.00-18.00
22 September 2024 10.00-18.00
28 September 2024 10.00-18.00
29 September 2024 10.00-18.00
5 October 2024 10.00-16.00
6 October 2024 10.00-16.00
12 October 2024 10.00-16.00
13 October 2024 10.00-16.00
19 October 2024 10.00-16.00
20 October 2024 10.00-16.00
26 October 2024 10.00-16.00
27 October 2024 10.00-16.00
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