Skansen Museum Shop

Skansen has three stores called the Skansen Shop among several other outlets in a historic setting.

Day Time
Today, 8 September 2024 11.00-18.00
9 September 2024 11.00-18.00
10 September 2024 11.00-18.00
11 September 2024 11.00-18.00
12 September 2024 11.00-18.00
13 September 2024 11.00-18.00
14 September 2024 11.00-18.00
15 September 2024 11.00-18.00
16 September 2024 11.00-18.00
17 September 2024 11.00-18.00
18 September 2024 11.00-18.00
19 September 2024 11.00-18.00
20 September 2024 11.00-18.00
21 September 2024 11.00-18.00
22 September 2024 11.00-18.00
23 September 2024 11.00-18.00
24 September 2024 11.00-18.00
25 September 2024 11.00-18.00
26 September 2024 11.00-18.00
27 September 2024 11.00-18.00
28 September 2024 11.00-18.00
29 September 2024 11.00-18.00
30 September 2024 11.00-18.00
1 October 2024 11.00-16.00
2 October 2024 11.00-16.00
3 October 2024 11.00-16.00
4 October 2024 11.00-16.00
5 October 2024 11.00-17.00
6 October 2024 11.00-17.00
7 October 2024 11.00-16.00
8 October 2024 11.00-16.00
9 October 2024 11.00-16.00
10 October 2024 11.00-16.00
11 October 2024 11.00-16.00
12 October 2024 11.00-17.00
13 October 2024 11.00-17.00
14 October 2024 11.00-16.00
15 October 2024 11.00-16.00
16 October 2024 11.00-16.00
17 October 2024 11.00-16.00
18 October 2024 11.00-16.00
19 October 2024 11.00-17.00
20 October 2024 11.00-17.00
21 October 2024 11.00-16.00
22 October 2024 11.00-16.00
23 October 2024 11.00-16.00
24 October 2024 11.00-16.00
25 October 2024 11.00-16.00
26 October 2024 11.00-17.00
27 October 2024 11.00-17.00
28 October 2024 11.00-16.00
29 October 2024 11.00-16.00
30 October 2024 11.00-16.00
31 October 2024 11.00-16.00
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  • Scandinavian design in the Skansen collection

    Skansen has its own collection of interior decorating products.  Skansen has also became a producer and wholesaler developing a series of products with inspirations from the treasure of patterns in folk costumes, textiles, nature and scandinavian animals.

    The collection has found inspiration among other things in a point bonnet from the Dalarna region in the middle of Sweden, who has lent it´s pattern to table napkins, trays, tändsticksask, present bags, bread boxes and one knitted blanket. Other patterns from the Skansen’s Wardrobe is the verge and paisley pattern also found on several other products.

    The map of Skansen, both in colour and black-and-white, is used on several items among other things on boxes of sweets, mats, tray and dish cloths.

    Skansen’s wild scandinavian animals are also found in the collection as well as patterns from nature like birch bark and sheep´s wool. Even the unique figures that can be found on the facade of the Skansen Shop, made by the Skansen blacksmith, are used as models for a candle stick and other items.