Spice your own schnapps

The Pharmacy is home to Sweden’s oldest preserved pharmacy interior, and actual pharmacists dressed in late 18th century fashions work here. Today, spiced schnapps is mainly drunk as a festive tipple. Historically, however, it has been viewed as a powerful medicine for all manner of illnesses and ailments.

  • The pharmacist will meet you at Skansen’s main entrance, and will accompany you through the atmospheric Old Town Quarter to the Pharmacy. There, the pharmacist will explain about the historic setting, medicine production, and historic opinions about illness and health. You will then take your seat at the workbench and, with the pharmacist’s guidance, produce a health-giving mixture with the flavours of the 18th century.

    During the tour, you will be given a beautiful glass bottle and a recipe with suggestions for drinks to add to the mixture when you get home.

  • Information

    When: Bookable on request, all year round
    Duration: 1 hour
    Number: Up to 10 people per group
    Corporate rate: SEK 5,500 (incl. VAT) per tour. Includes entry to Skansen.
    Contact: 08-442 82 70 or bokning@skansen.se