Back Mats Cottage

Back Mats’s cottage on the west side of the yard was intended to house the older generation. The building is now used in Skansen’s educational activities.

Day Time
Today, 27 July 2024 10.00-17.00
28 July 2024 10.00-17.00
29 July 2024 10.00-17.00
30 July 2024 10.00-17.00
31 July 2024 10.00-17.00
1 August 2024 10.00-17.00
2 August 2024 10.00-17.00
3 August 2024 10.00-17.00
4 August 2024 10.00-17.00
5 August 2024 10.00-17.00
6 August 2024 10.00-17.00
7 August 2024 10.00-17.00
8 August 2024 10.00-17.00
9 August 2024 10.00-17.00
10 August 2024 10.00-17.00
11 August 2024 10.00-17.00
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