Cutting the hay

Traditional harvest of hay using scythes, you are welcome to try yourself!

  • Cutting the hay meant chopping down tall grass with the intention of producing hay to feed cattle, horses and sheep. The grass was chopped manually with a scythe. The grass was then laid and dried in place, frequently on a hedge, and converted into hay.

    At Skansen, we demonstrate how cutting down the hay was conducted in earlier days, and the guests will have the opportunity to try it by themselves. We also discuss the tradition of cutting the hay.

    Time and place

    Saturday June 29 at 11-16

    The meadow by the Summer Pasture Farm

    Wednesday July 17 at 11-15

    The meadow by Sagaliden

    Thursday July 18 at 11-15

    The meadow by The Post Office

    Friday July 19 at 11-15

    The meadow by Skogaholm’s manor