Folk music with the trio Västanvinden

A trio with a very unique sound, Trion Västanvinden performs swinging folk music suitable for dancing!

  • Swinging folk music with the trio Västanvinden invites you to move and dance. The trio’s distinctive sound, created by combining the clarinet, zither and harmonica in a creative manner, provides classical tunes a fresh new perspective. The group’s interpretation of the music, which is derived from vintage sheet music or archival recordings, is distinct. All three members of the trio are or were students at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm, where the trio was founded.


    Lovis Jacobsson, Zither

    Lovis is an experienced instrumentalist with musical roots in both Sörmland and Värmland. Lovis went through several years of education in folk music at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm as well as folk colleges in Ingesund, Skurups and Malung. He has performed on a number of famous Swedish stages and events, including the folk music festival in Linköping, Umefolk, Stallet, Folkmusikens hus and Ransäterstämman, among others.

    Albin Myrin, Clarinet

    Albin is from Karlstad, but the Visigothic song tradition is where his musical roots lie. He completed studies in folk music at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm and ESI in Tobo. Apart from Västanvinden, he is involved in multiple growing folk music bands such as Rodebjer & Myrin and Kalejdoskop that are set to make a name for themselves in the folk music field. Albin is currently active as well. His solo album “10 Springleikar från Lom” was published in November 2022 by Melovitten, a Norwegian record label.

    Erland Westerström, Harmonica

    As the only harmonica musician with a college degree in Swedish folk music, Erland is among the best in the country. Although Erland grew up in Stockholm, he prefers the songs from Jämtland, Medelpad and Härjedalen. He was named national fiddler for Jämtland songs in 2019. Erland published his solo album “Andas!” in the spring of 2020. It was selected as the “Solo of the Year” by the music magazine Lira, and it received a nomination in the Folk category at the Manifest Gala.

Lovis Jacobsson

Albin Myrin

Erland Westerström