The Printer's Home

The printer´s family lived in three rooms at the back of the printing office - a kitchen, drawing room and living room. The family ate and conducted their daily activities in the drawing room - where they also worked making the newspaper What´s New?.

Day Time
Today, 27 July 2024 10.00-17.00
28 July 2024 10.00-17.00
29 July 2024 10.00-17.00
30 July 2024 10.00-17.00
31 July 2024 10.00-17.00
1 August 2024 10.00-17.00
2 August 2024 10.00-17.00
3 August 2024 10.00-17.00
4 August 2024 10.00-17.00
5 August 2024 10.00-17.00
6 August 2024 10.00-17.00
7 August 2024 10.00-17.00
8 August 2024 10.00-17.00
9 August 2024 10.00-17.00
10 August 2024 10.00-17.00
11 August 2024 10.00-17.00
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