Holidays for ordinary people
The 50s move into Skansen this summer in the form of a travel agency from the time and with the project Cycling holiday 1952. Welcome to learn about the 50s holidays and ideals June 6–August 13!
Meet the cycling vacationers Gunnel and Ulla, on holiday in the year 1952.
Midsummer is the symbol of the Swedish summer and is best celebrated at Skansen
The summer’s jazz evenings offer a varied content where the classics run like a theme through the program series
Skansenbutikerna är ett måste för sällskapsresans obligatoriska inköp av souvenirer och vykort
Bowls, pots and cups are available for purchase in Skansen’s pottery
A unique experience that provides in-depth knowledge of animals and nature when Skansen’s animal keepers hold different animal talks every day